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Winsted Area Ambulance Association
655 Main St, Winchester, CT 06098
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Driving Direction
Basic First Aid, CPR / AED
Course Details
Winsted Area Ambulance Assoc. Volunteer EMS and CPR Training for Winsted, Winchester, Riverton, Colebrook, Barkhamsted, West Hartland.CPR Training at Winsted Ambulance, FREE for public safety personnel. Register online, convenient Saturday classes with competent instructors.Winsted Area Ambulance Association is a nonprofit organization 501 c3 that provides primary emergency medical services to the towns of Winsted, Winchester, Riverton.History. In 1968 a few townspeople of Winchester had a plan to create an ambulance company to provide First Aid to the town. On Februay 1, 1968, Winsted s newspaper.WINSTED AMBULANCE EXPLORER POST 162 Winsted Ambulance Explorer Post 162 is comprised of young people ages 14 21 with an interest in EMS. Explorers participate in.Contact For Billing Inquiries please click here or call 1 800 258 3902 Winsted Area Ambulance Association PO Box 56Winsted, CT 06098Telephone 860 379 6596Fax 860.News and events related to Winsted Area Ambulance and Facebook Events from Winsted Ambulance.Local Winsted Police Department Winsted Fire Department Winchester Fire Department New Hartford Ambulance Norfolk Ambulance Sandisfield Ambulance MA Regional.
Business Hours
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09:00 am - 05:00 pm
- Tuesday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Wednesday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Thursday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Friday Closed
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm - Tuesday