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Waunakee Area EMS
201 N Klein Dr, Waunakee, WI 53597
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Driving Direction
Basic First Aid, CPR / AED
Course Details
Waunakee Area EMS. 201 N. Klein Drive Waunakee, WI 53597 Phone 608 849 7522. Fax 608 849 7583.File of Life Help us help you In case of an emergency, make your health information, allergies, list of medications, and emergency contacts EASY for the EMTs to find.Waunakee Area EMS offers a variety of CPR classes from the American Heart Association. Our classes are taught by certain EMTs on our staff that have the certification.Who We Are Waunakee EMS is a group of roughly 65 volunteers committed to serving the emergency medical needs of our community. Each member donates a minimum of 6.The Waunakee Area EMS Community Room is a great place to hold your group s next meeting or other event. The Community room has tables and chairs, and can provide.Photo Gallery. Waunakee Area EMS Photo Gallery. WAEMS Albums . CCR Training. Waunafest 2009. Waunafest 2008. If you have a question or concern that is NOT an.Our members are active in the communities that they serve. Waunakee Area EMS not only responds to emergencies when called, but educates the community on important.Frequently Asked Questions If I can t decide whether to call the ambulance, what should I do Use your best judgment, but if you re unsure, call 911 and let us.If you are interested in volunteering to drive or serve as an EMT at Waunakee Area EMS, please download the application on the left side of this page.
Business Hours
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
- Tuesday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Wednesday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Thursday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm- Friday Closed
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday
09:00 am - 05:00 pm - Tuesday