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Responsible Fundraising

Responsible Fundraising

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First Aid & Safety Instruction, First Aid Supplies, Fund Raising Games, Merchandise & Supplies
Course Details
More InfoA Healthy Fundraiser for A Healthier CommunityGeneral InfoResponsible Fundraising is an authorized distributor of the new RightResponse fundraising program started by co-founder Mark Miller of Vancouver, WA. The Right Response fundraising program started with one goal in mind – to offer a responsible and healthy fundraising option. We value our partnership with Right Response to offer a healthy alternative to traditional candy and junk food fundraisers. Our First Aid Kit promotions are the solution for schools, athletic groups, non-profits and other organizations to achieve their fundraising goals faster while supporting a healthy community and lifestyle. Our compact First Aid Zip Packs and our All Purpose First Aid Kit - Soft Bag contain the all the basics for first aid care. The contents have been reviewed by a physician and are listed on the back of each kit. Kits typically include an assortment of bandages, antiseptic wipes, ointments, gauze pads, first aid tape, some ibuprofen and a first aid guide. Kits like these have been sold for more than 20 years, and have proven very useful and handy. Responsible Fundraising is a Division of Centers for Health and Public Safety (CHPS). While many fundraising programs focus on selling candy or junk food, the Responsible Fundraising program takes a different approach, offering socially responsible options for budget-strapped organizations. Responsible Fundraising works in partnership with the Centers for Health and Public Safety (CHPS) to offer organizations and groups a chance to raise funds toward the purchase of a new generation first aid kit that includes an automated external defibrillator (AED).The Centers for Health and Public Safety’s SafetyKits are designed to address sudden cardiac arrest, one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Sudden cardiac arrest strikes men, women, and children of all ages, and when it hits, every minute counts. If you’re able to apply CPR and an automated external defibrillator (AED) within the first minute of a sudden cardiac arrest, your victim’s chance for survival is close to 90 percent. If offices, public places, schools, and homes were properly equipped to handle a sudden cardiac arrest within three to five minutes of the heart stopping, survival rates could increase dramatically. If you"re sport team or department, educational facility, or office doesn"t have a first aid kit with an AED, you can use your fundraiser to earn a Centers for Health and Public Safety (CHPS) SafetyKit! Your groups Responsible Fundraising First Aid fundraiser profits can ensure that your organization is more prepared to save a life.Extra PhonesMon. to Fri. 8AM-5PM(MST): (888) 277-5582Services/ProductsFirst Aid Kits. A Healthier Fundraiser for a Healthier Community. Easy to start (register today!)Easy to sell (keep up to 50% of your sales!)No minimums (aim for the stars!)No contracts (that’s cool!)Free shipping (just wait for the mailman!)Bonus Programs (raise funds while you sleep!) For years traditional fundraising has marketed magazines, candles, pizza, candy bars, cookie dough… the list goes on. While these fundraisers may have their place, Responsible Fundraising"s Right Response First Aid Zip Pack has changed the fundraising landscape by providing a healthy, responsible fundraising opportunity. Parents and group leaders love Responsible Fundraising"s Right Response First Aid Zip Pack for it’s great product mix and the message of wellness it brings. Participants love Responsible Fundraising"s Right Response First Aid Zip Pack for the easy-to-use brochures and easy-to-sell product. As you “Get Started,” be sure to learn more out about the Refer-a-Friend bonus programs to give your fundraiser an excellent jump-start and opportunities to continue to raise funds long after your fundraiser is over! Raise funds the quick and easy way while making the world a better, safer place with Responsible Fundraising"s Right Response First Aid Zip Packs — a healthy alternative to your fundraising options. With a First Aid Zip Bag Fundraiser Pack Easy to Sell. 50% Profit. Order.Sell.Pay. (you don"t pay for 30 days) Free Shipping (for orders of 4 or more cases) It’s simple: you get more sales when you have something of value to offer. First aid is an effective (and socially responsible) fundraising option that appeals to everyone! Choose from two great options! 5 or 10 Zip Bags in an easy to handle nylon backpack. Each Zip Bag Sells for $10 - You earn $5 The seller keeps the backpack! BrandsFirst Aid, Phillips-brand, Right ResponseNeighborhoodWillow CreekAmenitiesFundraising Programs Healthy alternatives to traditional fundraisersAssociationsRight Response First Aid Phillips HeartsmartCategoriesFirst Aid Supplies, First Aid & Safety Instruction, Fund Raising Games, Merchandise & Supplies, Fund Raising Service, Schools

Business Hours

  • Monday
    08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Thursday
    08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday
    08:00 am - 05:00 pm

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